In the spring of 2024, the New Mexico Game and Fish Department , in partnership with the Albuquerque Trap Club, let a contract to construct a 5-Stand Field at the Trap Club.  These pages show the development of the 5-Stand.
Albuquerque Trap Club 5-Stand
Albuquerque Trap Club
Serving New Mexico Shooters Since 1949

                                          Phone: 505-573-5597

April 29, 2024
The foundation for the building has been compacted and leveled.
May 14, 2024
The concrete slab has been placed and the contractor is preparing for steel erection.
The contractor has begun to lay out the bases for the 5-Stand traps.
May 21, 2024
The framing steel is complete and the siding is being attached.
The foundation for a shade structure near trap 3 is being compacted.
May 28, 2024
Here is a concrete foundation for one of the 5-Stand traps.
This shows workers trenching for the electric lines
that will operate the traps.  A concrete block
trap house  is visible (barely) in the background.
June 2, 2024
Framing the structure for the scorers and a high trap.
A typical trap house for the 5-Stand.
The building is taking shape and the siding is complete.  Pretty good recovery since thieves broke in and stole materials intended for the building a couple weeks ago.