Albuquerque Trap Club
Serving New Mexico Shooters Since 1949

                                          Phone: 505-573-5597
July 23, 2024
Putting some finishing touches on the tower.
The doors are installed in the trap houses.
Another set of doors on a trap house.
July 30, 2024
Looking out at the 5-Stand Field from the upper window in the tower.
The trap machine and targets in the upper level in the tower.
Looking out at the 5-Stand Field from the lower window in the tower.
Now that the project is almost complete, little glitches are showing up.  This seems to happen on any contract and it just takes patience to resolve the issues to make the project functional.  We'll keep updating this page as we get closer to being operational.
September 1, 2024
The 5-Stand is essentially complete, but has not yet been accepted by the NM Game and Fish Department.  The Game and Fish Department is allowing Trap Club members to use the 5-Stand, but it will not be open to the public until it is officially complete and accepted.

The cost for a round of 5-Stand is $10.  That fee applies to club members, non-members, and juniors.  Everyone pays the same amount for the pleasure of shooting (or missing) 25 targets.  Test your skill and give it a try.