Albuquerque Trap Club
Serving New Mexico Shooters Since 1949

                                          Phone: 505-573-5597

June 11, 2024
The tower for the controller and the high trap is shaping up.
The contractor's men are continuing to work on the 5-Stand trap houses.
The building is nearing completion.  The roof is on, the siding is complete, and the workers are concentrating on finishing  the inside.
June 18, 2024
Work continues on the shade stand near trap 3.
The building just looks better and better.  The contractor is down to just interior work.
The 5-Stand control tower and high trap is taking shape and looking good.
June 25, 2024
Not too easy to see, but the structural supports for the roof are in place now.
The control tower is being prepared for the application of siding.

Note the concrete pad in front of the tower for the shooter's positions.
Handicapped parking has now been added behind the shade structure.  This is looking like a first class parking area.
June 30, 2024
This is the trap house for the teal trap which will present a target going straight up.  The roof on this trap house slides to the rear, allowing for an open roof during use.
Now the control tower/high trap has had siding applied.  The club wants to place the club's sign on the side facing Broadway.
Here's a view inside the new building.
Another view inside the building showing the rollup door.
Still to be done: install the traps and protective doors, install the control equipment, and then train club members how to use and maintain the 5-Stand equipment.

We are planning to open the 5-Stand for general use to the club and public in August.